Simplify Resource Procurement Through Cooperative Purchasing
TACenergy holds contracts with two national cooperative purchasing entities
As a streamlined solution for government, public agency, education and non-profit contract procurement, TACenergy holds contracts with national cooperative purchasing groups, OMNIA Partners and Sourcewell. The collective buying power offered through these procurement contract management groups provides time-reduced access, an efficient purchasing process and budgeting peace of mind.

OMNIA Partners
CONTRACT #: 53317
Bulk Fuel Purchases available nationally through the city of Ft Worth, TX
Contract includes:
- Unleaded (all octane levels)
- Ethanol Blends
- Diesel
- Renewable / Bio-diesel
- Aviation Fuel
- DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid)
Fuel Supplier: Sales, Management and Delivery
Contract Includes:
- Bulk Gasoline, Diesel & Fuel
- Renewable Diesel & Bio-Diesel
- Heating Oil
- Nationwide Supply & Distribution
- 24/7/365 Supply & Logistics
- Inventory Management
- Advanced Data Management
- Inventory Intelligence
- Emergency Preparedness Program
- Vast Terminal Supply Network